How to Make All Your Devices Perform Better | AVG Guides

Want to know how to optimize your devices?

Getting the most out of your PC, Mac or mobile device is easy with AVG TuneUp.
These handy guides will get you started in no time at all.

gse guide win, laptop, PC, UI, 207 x 125 px

Guides for

gse guide Mac, macbook, UI, 220 x 125 px

Guides for

Phone and tablet with Cleaner for Android UI

Guides for

Check out our video guides:

How to speed up your PC using Program Deactivator

With every program that you install, your PC gets slower and slower. Program Deactivator, part of AVG PC TuneUp, puts programs that you rarely use on standby.

How optimize your PC with just one click

Find out how 1-Click Maintenance can speed up, clean up, and extend the battery life of your Windows PC, laptop, or tablet.

How to remove gigabytes of hidden clutter from your PC

Find out how to use AVG PC TuneUp to clean up your Windows desktop or laptop and free up space for more photos, files, and music.

AVG TuneUp - Unlimited

Tune and clean up all your devices


Whatever your device, we’ve got you covered

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